MyCRS Young Scientist Award 2021
The MyCRS Young Scientist Award is now open! Find more details below:
The applicant has submitted an abstract to virtual CRS2021 (Visit 2021.controlledreleasesociety.org).
Students, post-docs, or young researchers (in the first 5 years of their full-time research career) in Malaysia are welcome to apply.
Applicant is a member of MyCRS Local Chapter.
Winner will obtain a FREE registration to CRS Virtual Annual Meeting 2021, 25-29 July.
Winners will be announced in May 2021.
The decision will be final and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.
To apply, submit your
1) Abstract (From CRS2021 scholarONE system)
2) 3-min video pitch
3) Short bio (1 page) of the presenter.
4) Proof of abstract submission to CRS2021 to bit.ly/mycrsaward2021 by 20 April 2021 or scan QR code to submit.