CRS Young Scientist Travel Grant 2019
Application for 2019 CRS Local Chapter Young Scientist Travel Grant is now open!
The Local Chapter Young Scientist Travel Grants aim to promote connectivity between active CRS local chapters by providing travel grants to promising young scientists around the world to attend the CRS Annual Meetings.
The grants will be distributed to awardees at the CRS Annual Meeting 2019 in Valencia, Spain.
Travel grant criteria as below:
- Students, post-docs, or young researchers just starting their career (e.g. in the first 5 years of their full-time research career)
- Applicants should be a member of MyCRS local chapter.
- Grant selection will be based on the quality of the applicant’s science, as reflected in their research presentations / papers in local chapter meetings
- Travel grant is to aid in travel costs for the upcoming CRS Annual Meeting 2019 only, and cannot be applied to past CRS Annual Meeting travels.
- All travel grant applicants are required to submit an abstract; the abstract should be accepted for either a poster or podium presentation at the CRS Annual Meeting 2019. ( To submit CRS 2019 abstract, please visit https://2019.controlledreleasesociety.org/abstracts )
Travel awards (USD750 each) will be awarded to two successful applicants. Winners will be announced in May 2019. The decision by the panel will be final and no communication in this regard shall be entertained.
More details of the travel grant will be available on our website http://www.crsmalaysia.org/ and facebook page: crsmalaysialocalchapter)
Interested applicants may submit your abstract (CRS 2019 format) and CV (2-3 pages) to crsmalaysia.info@gmail.com by 31 March 2019.
Your active participation is highly appreciated.